Monday, January 4, 2016

ONE !!


It’s now a few days past New Year’s with its huge headlines of shiny new babies and glistening new beginnings. But by this time, most people have already experienced the annual trauma of making resolutions, and then watching them go splat on the floor. These self-promises usually involve trying to morph our torsos from flub to fab. I totally commiserate. I myself have spent years attempting to dedicate myself, to set my mind firmly to develop healthy habits. It requires work. And I’m sad to confess, I don’t always wanna work. I seldom have the correct mind-set. Yes, I have chronic congenital mind-flub.
I’ve seen a t.v. commercial that talks about how wonderful it would be if all we had to do was eat 1 piece of rabbit food and voila! no more diabetes, or do 1 pushup and ta-da! no more heart issues! It would certainly make life a cakewalk, wouldn’t it? Sadly, things just don’t work that way in this world.
Except for 1 instance about 2,000 years ago ... when Jesus “offered one sacrifice for sins for all time” (Hebrews 10:12). “Christ died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18).
My Jesus, how thankful and awed I am, that You were so determined that You resolutely and steadfastly set Your face to go to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), to go to the cross. You never had mind-flub, You had courage and commitment, for the Father’s glory and for my salvation. Please cause me to develop the same mind-set of commitment to You, to grow in You, and to know You more each day.



  1. it's a New Year - let's all make a resolution to spend MORE time with the One this year... :)

  2. Thankful for God's grace and mercy! And His purpose and calling! I know I've been praying to be less mind-flabby but I'm realizing (unfortunately) that it means I'll have to go through areas that test my resolve in order to be stronger...
